1. What makes you laugh?
I love humour of any type, so I'm into funny stories and fun between people.
2. What’s on your playlist?
I rarely play music and in the car I listen to ABC radio national. If I’m forced I like Sting , Robbie Williams, that sort of stuff. I do like music but I'm just not obsessed like my Gowdy, who knows the words to every song ever recorded.
3. What was the last movie you saw?
Robbie Williams last week, it alarmed me with the message about addiction. I’ve never tried drugs but I’m addicted to motor racing so it’s scary as I get older.
4. One road, one car, one passenger
My love of cars has always revolved around Porsches. I’ve owned 37 on my life, not all at once obviously. My favorite, if I could afford it right now, would be a 911 turbo S because it's an everyday supercar.
5. Your dream car - to park and admire
I've owned lots of cars I loved and still love, but if the cheque was no issue I would have a Ferrari 250 GTO. But that's around $50 million so not going to happen.
6. Your greatest motorsport success?
I started racing in 1972 and I’m still doing it. I love it, love the people and the whole process. The thought of not racing scares the crap out of me. I’m not a trophy hunter but I have lots of trophies and awards but none mean as much as my longevity and competitiveness for a long time. I’m trying to avoid retirement so if you have a historic car to exercise in safe hands just call me.
7. Your greatest failure?
I should have gone overseas to race as a youngster but I came from Tassie, a family without wealth, and I didn’t know how to execute the whole thing. To be honest, going to Melbourne was a big adventure really. A bit sad but that was the era.
8. Your one regret?
It's covered in my last answer, but my other big regret was chasing girls. Womanising is the term, but I hate that. I chased adventure in all areas of my life, but no drugs – I promise. I have regrets though.
9. What is your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is french Burgundy wine, although it’s difficult to purchase now because Asian buyers have forced the price beyond what I can afford. My dad Brian got me interested in wine decades ago. It’s like art in many ways with the appreciation of it.
10. Which actor would play you in the movie of your life?
Pluto the Pup. Since I discovered puppies I totally adore them.